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Russia begins serial production of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles, serving notice to NATO

Keen to deter NATO forces lining up on its periphery, Russia has begun manufacturing its deadly Tsirkon hypersonic missiles, which can strike targets 1000 kilometre away while traveling at an incredible speed, nine times that of sound (Pic. Courtesy Twitter/@DarikMk)

Keen to deter NATO forces lining up on its periphery,  Russia has begun manufacturing its deadly  Tsirkon hypersonic missiles, which can strike targets 1000 kilometre away while traveling at an incredible speed, nine times that of sound.

Russia’s Military-Industrial Corporation Research and Industrial Association of Machine Building (MIC NPO Mashinostroyenia) started a serial production of Tsirkon hypersonic missiles for the country’s Navy, a source close to the situation told TASS news agency.

"A serial production of Tsirkon missiles is underway at the NPO Mashinostroyenia, although state trials of this product’s surface launches will continue," the source stated. The Tsirkon multi-purpose hypersonic missile is designated to strike sea and ground targets.

According to an earlier Tass report, a modified Perm nuclear powered submarine has been chosen as the platform for the launch.

Ahead of its serial production, Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu had reported to President Vladimir Putin on November 18 that  Tsirkon hypersonic missile had been successfully tested in the White Sea.

The tests of the Tsirkon missile began on October 4 from  the  surface and submerged position of Severodvinsk, a  nuclear-powered submarine. Overall, five test-launches, ending in December, against sea and coastal targets are planned.

In the future, Russia intends to retrofit its submarines and surface ships with Tsirkon hypersonic missile systems.

Analysts say that the  announcement of the Tsirkon hitting assembly lines is a message to the US and its western allies that Moscow will respond forcefully in case NATO continues an unrestrained military build-up in the Black Sea and Ukraine. The US assumption that Russia will be scared by NATO’s muscle flexing in Ukraine and the Black Sea are “dangerous delusions,” Russia’s Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov said on Saturday on the YouTube channel Soloviev Live.

"NATO states are taking over the Black Sea, Ukrainian territory. There are assumptions, which are voiced here, that certain daredevils or a group of combatants may turn up in Ukraine, who will try to test the strength of Russian defences, expecting that we will not respond fearing the NATO potential. I would like to say and emphasize unequivocally that it is a very dangerous delusion," the diplomat observed. https://tass.com/world/1367367

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