The video shows an unprecedented celebration of Raksha Bandhan, the auspicious festival marking the bond of protection between brothers and sisters in India, on board an IndiGo flight. The video shows the heart-warming moment of Shubha, an IndiGo cabin crew member, tying the sacred Rakhi thread on the wrist of her brother, Captain Gaurav, who is the pilot on the flight.
Subha sets the ball rolling for the celebrations with a special announcement before the flight takes off: “In a profession like ours, it is not that every year we get to celebrate festivals and special moments with our loved ones back home, because it is important for us to take you back home so you can celebrate with your loved ones,” she says on the flight interphone system.
“That’s why, today is a very special day for me and my brother Gaurav, who is on board today to make sure that we celebrate Raksha Bandhan together after many years,” she explains.
With her pilot brother Captain Gaurav by her side, she goes on to say, “Like all brothers and sisters, we also laugh and cry, play and fight, but he’s my rock, my best friend, my shoulder to lean on.”
Deeply touched the passengers break out in applause.
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