
Rare giant spider discovered in Australia stuns scientistsRare giant spider discovered in Australia stuns scientists

Rare giant spider discovered in Australia stuns scientists

Even though the discovery of a new and large species of spider in Australia’s Queensland, created a buzz among wildlife…

2 years ago
Amazing spider discovered in Costa Rica that can stay underwater for more than 30 minutes!Amazing spider discovered in Costa Rica that can stay underwater for more than 30 minutes!

Amazing spider discovered in Costa Rica that can stay underwater for more than 30 minutes!

<p> <strong>When an amphibious creature or a frog escapes into water to avoid danger or predation, it is accepted as…

3 years ago
Male spiders use novel method to escape sure death after mating!Male spiders use novel method to escape sure death after mating!

Male spiders use novel method to escape sure death after mating!

<p> <strong>The mating of orb-weaving spiders comes to an end with a spectacular act on the part of the males…

3 years ago
New genus of tarantula hairy spider discovered in Asia after 104 years!New genus of tarantula hairy spider discovered in Asia after 104 years!

New genus of tarantula hairy spider discovered in Asia after 104 years!

<p> <strong>It is indeed a proud moment for Thailand as for the first time in 104 years a new genus…

3 years ago