mobile app

Central Water Commission makes breakthrough, launches app to monitor floods in real timeCentral Water Commission makes breakthrough, launches app to monitor floods in real time

Central Water Commission makes breakthrough, launches app to monitor floods in real time

Sharing of information and that too on a real time basis is vital to avoid devastation caused by natural disasters…

2 years ago
Telangana launches user-friendly mobile app for making bus travel safe and comfortableTelangana launches user-friendly mobile app for making bus travel safe and comfortable

Telangana launches user-friendly mobile app for making bus travel safe and comfortable

The Telangana State Road Transport Corporation is using the latest technology to make the journey of bus passengers in the…

2 years ago
Govt launches new app for safer & smoother travel on highwaysGovt launches new app for safer & smoother travel on highways

Govt launches new app for safer & smoother travel on highways

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has launched 'Rajmargyatra,' a user-friendly mobile app for a safer and hassle-free journey…

2 years ago