Kerala blasts

Former senior Ajmer Dargah official demands thorough investigation of Kerala blastsFormer senior Ajmer Dargah official demands thorough investigation of Kerala blasts

Former senior Ajmer Dargah official demands thorough investigation of Kerala blasts

The demand for a thorough investigation of the blasts that hit a Jehova’s Witnesses meet in Kerala’s Kalamassery killing three…

1 year ago
Serial blasts hit Kerala after Hamas leader Khaled Mashal virtually addresses a pro-Palestine rally in the stateSerial blasts hit Kerala after Hamas leader Khaled Mashal virtually addresses a pro-Palestine rally in the state

Serial blasts hit Kerala after Hamas leader Khaled Mashal virtually addresses a pro-Palestine rally in the state

A series of well-coordinated blasts hit a Jehova’s Witnesses meet in Kerala’s Kalamassery, where about 2000 people had congregated to…

1 year ago