
UN side event spotlights China’s rising Islamophobia targeting Uyghurs, Kazakhs

Human rights activists, diplomats, and other intellectuals highlighted the growing Islamophobia in China targeting Uyghur Muslims and Kazakhs during a…

8 months ago

India opposes introducing a ‘special envoy’ to combat Islamophobia at UN

Calling India "a proud champion of pluralism," India's Permanent Representative Ruchira Kamboj opposed the establishment of the post of "special…

1 year ago

Now is the time for all communities to work on propagating religious moderateness

Last month, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a coalition of 57 Muslim countries, suspended the status of Sweden’s special…

2 years ago

We do not think that radical Islam is the only form of Islam: Clifford Smith

Clifford Smith is Director Washington Project of the Middle East Forum (MEF), where he seeks to inform policy makers in…

2 years ago

Leicester Muslims cry Islamophobia after police investigation of riots gathers pace

Muslim organisations have begun to play the Islamophobia card after police investigations based on CCTV footage have raised suspicions about…

2 years ago

India at 75: Upper caste Muslims have kept casteism in Islam hidden for personal benefit, says Faiyaz Ahmad Fyzie

<p> Social activist and Unani doctor, Faiyaz Ahmad Fyzie, has ruffled many feathers among India’s Muslim community. He has become…

3 years ago

Raising Islamophobia to an international day could divide UN into religious camps – India

<p> <strong>India has expressed concern over the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopting a resolution proclaiming March 15 as the…

3 years ago