
IOC signs MoU to promote Hydrogen and fuel cell tech for heavy duty e-mobility

To promote hydrogen and fuel cell technology for heavy-duty e-mobility, Indian Oil handed over a hydrogen fuel cell bus to…

1 month ago

Global experts laud India’s roadmap for big push to Green Hydrogen

The Vice Chair of the 23-nation International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE), Dr Noe Van…

4 months ago

Business models for transporting hydrogen discussed at global meet in Delhi

The five-day global hydrogen partnership meeting being hosted by India, held deliberations on business models for transportation, production and storage…

4 months ago

Chandrayaan-3 achieves a major milestone, discovers sulphur on Moon

Carrying several experiments during its lunar Mission, India's Chandrayaan-3 has been making some startling discoveries on the surface of the…

10 months ago