Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a detailed meeting Saturday with senior ministers and officials to review India’s response to Covid-19 pandemic. The meeting reviewed the national level status and preparation in the context of the pandemic. The meeting also took stock of situation in different states and union territories including Delhi. The meeting was attended by the Home Minister, Health Minister, Principal Secretary to PM, Cabinet Secretary, Health Secretary, DG ICMR and other related conveners of the Empowered Groups.
Dr. Vinod Paul, Member NITI, Convenor of the Empowered Group of Medical Emergency Management Plan, made a detailed presentation on the current status and likely scenario of Covid-19 cases in the medium term. It was observed that out of the total cases two-thirds are in five states with an overwhelming proportion of cases in big cities. In view of the challenges being faced, particularly by the large cities, it was discussed to augment testing as well as the number of beds and services to effectively handle the peak surge of daily cases.
Prime Minister took cognizance of the recommendations of the Empowered Group on city- and district-wise requirements of hospital beds/isolation beds which will be required and instructed Health Ministry officials to undertake emergency planning in consultation with the States/UTs. He also advised the Ministry to ensure suitable preparations in view of the start of the Monsoon season.
The present and emerging scenario of the Covid 19 disease in the capital was discussed and the projections for next two months was deliberated. Prime Minister suggested that Home Minister and Health Minister should convene an emergency meeting with Lt Governor, Chief Minister of Government of NCT Delhi in presence of all senior officials of Government of India, Government of Delhi and officials of Municipal Corporations of Delhi to plan a coordinated and comprehensive response to handle the challenge posed by rising cases of Covid-19.
It was noted and appreciated that there have been many instances of outstanding work done by several states, districts and cities in containing and controlling the outbreak successfully. These success stories and best practices should be widely disseminated to provide inspiration and innovative ideas to others..
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