On the occasion of Constitution Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reiterated the need for “One Nation, One Election.”
The Prime Minister said that the concept of "One Nation, One Election" is not a matter of debate, but is the need for India. He was speaking at the concluding session of the 80th All India Presiding Officers Conference via video conferencing in Gujarat's Kevadia on the occasion of the celebrations of Constitution Day.
Modi suggested that a single voters' list should be prepared for the Lok Sabha, assembly and panchayat polls, saying that separate lists are a waste of resources. "Only one voter list should be used for Lok Sabha, Vidhan Sabha and other elections. Why're we wasting time and money on these lists?" Modi said.
The Prime Minister added: "The concept of 'One Nation, One Election' isn't just an issue of deliberation, but also need of the country. It hampers developmental work and all of you know about it. We must think about it seriously and office-holders can lead deliberations on this."
"I would urge you to take initiatives to make aspects of our Constitution more popular among our youth and that too, through innovative methods," said the Prime Minister.
Modi has been committed to the idea of "One Nation, One Election" since he became the Prime Minister. "One Nation, One Election would reduce the cost of holding elections, and limit all elections to a single season as elections keep happening somewhere or the other almost all the time currently, he said..
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