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Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik backs centre- driven purchase and distribution of Covid vaccines

Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik backs centre- driven purchase and distribution of Covid vaccines

In a boost to the Modi-administration, Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has written to all chief ministers, asking them to support centre-driven purchase and distribution on Covid-19 vaccines.  In a tweet Patnaik said that he has also spoken to a few chief ministers.

“Spoke to some CMs who shared my views. No State is safe unless all States adopt vaccination as a top priority & execute it on war-footing,” he tweeted.

Patnaik also called for decentralisation of the vaccination programme, with states being given the flexibility to determine their own mechanisms to ensure universal vaccination, "under the above circumstances, the best option available is for the Government of India to centrally procure the vaccines and distribute it among the states so that our citizens are vaccinated at the earliest," Patnaik said.

Since the opening of vaccination for all above 18, many states have floated global tenders for procuring jabs. "However, it is quite clear that the global vaccine manufacturers are looking forward to the Union Government for the clearances and assurances. They are unwilling to get into supply contracts with the state governments,” Patnaik said in his letter.

The Odisha CM also said on twitter that states should not be competing with each other in getting vaccines. He added that united efforts are required for vaccine procurement.

“The only way to protect our people against future waves and provide them with a hope of survival is vaccination. Countries which have focused on vaccination programmes have seen a remarkable improvement in their Covid situation. We have to provide this healing touch to our people. No state is safe unless all the states adopt vaccination as the topmost priority and execute it on war-footing,” said Patnaik

Patnaik stressed that Covid-19 was the greatest challenge that India has faced since Independence. “We will set aside whatever differences we have and come together in the true spirit of Cooperative Federalism for saving precious lives and hard-earned livelihoods. We as a ‘team’ owe it to our Citizens,” said Patnaik in the letter.

In his 2-page letter, CM Patnaik appealed to all chief ministers to arrive at a consensus before it is too late, “We have written to the Union government in this regard. However, I would respectfully suggest that all the state governments should come to a consensus on this issue for early resolution of this problem. We should act fast before any third wave comes and creates further havoc.”