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Do CT scans for Covid-19 tests only on medical advice

Health experts warn against repeated CT scans for ascertaining Covid-19 as it could be harmful (Pic: Courtesy Twitter/@CNBCTV18Live)

There is an urgent need for people who are going in for CT scans instead of RT-PCR test to ascertain Covid-19 to be cautions. The reason being this repeated scans gets one exposed to radiation which in turn could lead to cancer.

Sounding this warning are several health experts.

Speaking to The Tribune, Dr Bishav Mohan, a senior cardiologist at Dayanand Medical College and Hospital in Ludhiana, cited the example of his patient, who on relying on RT-PCR test, underwent five CT scans on his own within a short span. “His initial scans didn’t show any infection in the lungs and he kept on roaming freely,” he said.

Continuing, Dr.Mohan said, by the time he developed Covid symptoms, his condition had deteriorated. “He is now on a ventilator,” he said, describing this trend as dangerous.

Dr. Mohan who is a member of the Punjab Government Covid-19 task force, made it clear that CT scan should only be done in cases where a person had tested positive and when his/her condition was deteriorating.

“The scan is recommended to rule out any clot or infection in the lungs. In rare cases it is advised for patients testing negative, but facing difficulty in breathing or their oxygen saturation dipping,” he observed.

He also revealed that cases had come to light where Covid-positive people, including those with symptoms, were venturing out of their houses on the basis of CT scan report and thereby acting as super-spreaders. “This must stop,” he said.

The former President of the Indian Medical Association’s Punjab Chapter, and an expert, cautioned about the unregulated gatherings at diagnostic centres. This he said could prove to be super-spreading events.