Coming together in Andhra Pradesh’s Visakhapatnam area, local fishermen, forest department officials and wildlife conservationists, helped a whale shark caught in the fishing net to go back to water. This largest known fish species is considered endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to fishing and vessel strikes.
The incident happened at Tantadi beach in AP where this creature was found entangled in the shore fishing net, according to Anant Shankar, the District Forest Officer. Many have shared the pictures and video of this shark on social media.
World's largest fish "The Whale Shark" found in Visakhapatnam waters. It has been safely sent back into the sea
. Kudos to local fishermen , Forest Department and @/Srikanthwildlife for safely rescuing the beast .
: @/Srikanthwildlife Ig
— Ravinder #Gillat5 #BahaneOut (@Ravindertweets_) December 22, 2021
Shankar told the media that, "The instructions from the DFO were simple – guide the whale shark to safety, sparing no efforts or expenses. What ensued were herculean efforts, both physical and mental, with tremendous coordination and collaboration by the forest department, fishermen and wildlife conservationists, to guide this 2-tonne fish back into the ocean alive. And it was a success. The whale shark successfully swam back into the depths of the ocean.”
Efforts are being made to know more about this shark by seeking help from other institutions. Sharing details, the DFO said: "The shark's pictures are now being shared with the Maldives Whale shark research programme for identification. This would help us to understand the movements and territories of these gentle giants better. Additionally, the fishermen are being advised and requested to approach the forest department for rescue and safe release directly in such an eventuality, as in such operations, time is of the essence. The fishermen will be given compensation in case of any damages to their fishing nets for release of Whale sharks in case the whale sharks get entangled in their fishing nets.”
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