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Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding bells set to echo loudly in Pakistan

Guess what is trending in Pakistan ? It is not Imran Khan who was ousted from power on April 9. Instead, it is the marriage of Bollywood actors Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor. Pakistani media has been providing saturation coverage, which so far has focused on the build up to the  mehndi ceremony. </p>
“The couple will be reunited in the next few days. After the henna ceremony which was held on April 13, the couple's turmeric(haldi) ceremony will be on April 14 and the wedding will take place on April 17 and  Alia and Ranbir will give a grand reception on April 17 at the iconic Taj hotel,” reports Samaa TV of Pakistan.</p>
<a href="" rel="nofollow">عالیہ اور رنبیرکی شادی کب ، کہاں ، کیسے؟</a></p>
Geo TV is running a feature tiled “Ranbir-Alia wedding: All Bollywood divas Ranbir Kapoor has dated,” which included “Raees” famed Pakistani actress Mihira Khan.</p>
“Ranbir was clicked smoking with Pakistani actor Mihira Khan on the streets of New York. Soon after their images went viral, speculations were made that the two were dating each other,” says the report.</p>
<a href="" rel="nofollow">Ranbir-Alia wedding: All Bollywood divas Ranbir Kapoor has dated</a></p>
Pakistanis love the bride to be Alia Bhatt as well. Her blockbuster Raazi was banned in Pakistan but the film received unprecedented appreciation from Pakistanis. </p>
Pakistan’s top movie critic and celebrity writer Mahwash Ajaz had tweeted then that “I am sitting near the world's loudest popcorn munchers and it's amazing that there was pin drop silence when Alia's character, Sehmat, is doing spy-ey things in full spy mode. She looks beautiful and the film overall is well-made. A refreshing takes on nationalism, the film doesn’t demonise India’s adversaries by paying heed to their patriotism towards their own country.”</p>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet">
<p dir="ltr" lang="en">
I am sitting near the world's loudest popcorn munchers and amazing that there was pin drop silence when Aalia's character, Sehmat, is doing spy-ey things in full spy mode.<br />
<br />
She looks beautiful and the film overall is well-made. <a href="">#Raazi</a></p>
— Mahwash Ajaz 🇵🇰 (@mahwashajaz_) <a href="">May 10, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Quoting posts put up by friends of Alia and  Ranbir Kapoor, Pakistani media is giving all details including the outfit that the bride to be will adorn.</p>
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“Sabyasachi outfits arrive at Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt's wedding location,” says the headline of The News, Pakistan’s popular daily. Interestingly, the report is full of videos and pictures shared by the couple’s friend.</p>
<a href="">Sabyasachi outfits arrive at Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt's wedding location: Watch</a></p>
The most popular Urdu paper, Daily Jung proudly announced Ranbir Kapoor’s link with Peshawar.</p>
“Ranbir Kapoor is a grandson of Raj Kapoor who was born in Peshawar. His home is now turned into a museum,” says the paper adding that the wedding festivities of Alia and Ranbir have already begun as several Bollywood celebrities and family members of the bride and groom have been gathered for ceremonies.</p>
<a href="">عالیہ بھٹ اور رنبیر کپور کی شادی آج ہوگی</a></p>
Despite the ban imposed on the Bollywood films in Pakistan by the former prime minister Imran Khan, Bollywood remains the primary choice for the country’s movie lovers who are hopeful that the new prime minister Shehbaz Sharif will lift the curbs.</p>
<strong>Also Read :</strong> <a href="">Pak govt to convert Havelis of Raj Kapoor and Dilip Kumar into museums</a></p>

IN Bureau

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